Art, Design, and Collaboration: The Story Behind a Stunning Kitchen Transformation by Graciela Socorro

in 2020, we had the amazing opportunity to work with an incredible Houstonian couple, both passionate art collectors with an eye for beauty and design. They commissioned us to create three custom wallpapers to embellish their kitchen, blending their exquisite taste in art with functional design.

The wallpaper art featured three beautiful macro photographs of a single Bindu piece, capturing its intricate details and unique essence. I had the pleasure of collaborating with my husband, Carlos Ocando, who expertly documented the pieces for printing, ensuring every nuance was beautifully preserved and translated into the final design.

Their home is filled with captivating artworks that breathe life into every room. From paintings to art installations, each corner tells a unique story. We were beyond thrilled when we heard that their stunning Pink House—a perfect fusion of color, art, and design—was featured in the Winter 2022 issue of Houstonia Magazine. The feature was a well-deserved recognition of their artistic vision and impeccable taste.

Their space turned out absolutely beautifully, and it's gratifying to see how the wallpapers we created added a special touch to their home. We are so proud to have been part of this journey and couldn't be happier that their dream home is now being shared with a wider audience.

14th Annual International Color Awards by Graciela Socorro

I am honored to announce on being a Nominee at the 14th Annual International Color Awards with my Photography “Hiddien in Hibiscus” in the Wildlife category.

aranita web.jpg

My work was chosen between 6,109 entries received from 73 countries. The Jury represented the industry's biggest names and tastemakers including Bonhams, New York; The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles; The Art Channel, London; Netflix, Los Angeles; Koller Auctions, Zurich; Preus Museum, Norway; Cramer Mitterrand Art Advisory, Geneva; Fila, New York; Calvin Klein, Netherlands; Kolle Rebbe, Hamburg; NBC Universal, New York; Feldbusch Weisner Rudolph Galerie, Berlin; Newsweek, New York; and Ridley Scott Associates/RSA Films. As an artist, it means so much to have your support! Thanks to the jurors and organizers for putting on such a great show. 

I want to thank my husband, Carlos, for his love, encouragement and guidance. Not only in the photography business but in life!


For available prints, please visit

Patience - The Spider by Graciela Socorro

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The Spider symbolizes Patience, Creation and Beauty. My encounter with these special beings is very frequent, specially living in Texas. So I have a lot of work to do! They are telling me it's now or... now! My body, my mind, my soul are begging to slow down, to be thankful everyday and to live the now patiently embracing every step of the way. 

The spider acts as messenger like any other being. Having a spider showing up means that you either need to learn patience and get in better touch with your creativity, or it means you have begum to master these skills and qualities. Spiders use extreme patience to create their webs. They weave patiently their own way through life, and they want you to do the same. They can teach you to increase your awareness and focus in life, to slow down and take your time to create things in life instead of rushing through. 

Masters of perception, spiders want you to look at life though different lenses so that you can solve situations appropriately. 

Many people fear spiders, so if we look at what our encounter with these special beings really means, we'll examine our life more closely and see where we can improve. Take your time and look into your personal feelings. Where these emotions take you, is where your personal work begins. *

I have found comfort in yoga, spiritual growth books, zumba class, painting my Bindu Art and taking pictures. Photography is my eternal meditation because I am really focus in the now. Take a look at my Fairyland portfolio, a group of images of my little fairy friends I have encountered through this journey since 2012. 

Tell me what you think and if you have a similiar path like me, share your comments down below!



*Taken from

Embracing Change - The Butterfly by Graciela Socorro


I love interpreting animal symbolism. "It is a powerful way to connect with nature, and learn lessons from her creatures – lessons that we can apply to our own lives. The more we seek symbolism in nature, the more we realize we have a lot in common with animals, insects and life in the wild realms. Indeed, we are intimately connected with the animal queen/kingdom – inseparable from nature and her movements. 

Overwhelmingly, cultural myth and lore honor the butterfly as a symbol of transformation because of its impressive process of metamorphosis.

From egg, to larvae (caterpillar), to pupa (the chrysalis or cocoon) and from the cocoon the butterfly emerges in her unfurling glory.

What a massive amount of transition this tiny creature undergoes. Consider for a moment the kind of energy this expends. I daresay if a human were to go through this kind of change we’d freak out!

Imagine the whole of your life changing to such an extreme you are unrecognizable at the end of the transformation. Mind you, this change takes place in a short span of about a month too (that’s how long the butterfly life cycle is).

Herein lies the deepest symbolic lesson of the butterfly. She asks us to accept the changes in our lives as casually as she does. The butterfly unquestioningly embraces the chances of her environment and her body.

This unwavering acceptance of her metamorphosis is also symbolic of faith. Here the butterfly beckons us to keep our faith as we undergo transitions in our lives. She understands that our toiling, fretting and anger are useless against the turning tides of nature – she asks us to recognize the same.

As mentioned, tapping into animal symbolism is akin to tapping into our own souls, because we are inseparable from nature and her creatures.

It’s connection with the soul is rather fitting. We are all on a long journey of the soul. On this journey we encounter endless turns, shifts, and conditions that cause us to morph into ever-finer beings. At our soul-journey’s end we are inevitably changed – not at all the same as when we started on the path.

To take this analogy a step further, we can look again to the grace and eloquence of the butterfly and realize that our journey is our only guarantee. Our responsibility to make our way in faith, accept the change that comes, and emerge from our transitions as brilliantly as the butterfly."*

I have been in different paths since young. However, I knew that my life wasn't going to be ordinary since I was 5! But living in an ordinary town wasn't easy, so embracing change was very hard for me. Now, I accept it thanks to the wonderful support of my husband, we both are on the same spiritual growth. 

My photography work is an eternal meditation. Take a look at my Fantasyland portfolio about butterflies. 

Do you embrace change easily? Share your thoughts and experience with me down below!! 




*Excerpt taken from

Bindu at Sawyer this December, 16! by Graciela Socorro


Hey Bindu Family!

Come and join us this Saturday, December 16th on the corner of Edwards and Sawyer in downtown Houston from 10 AM to 5 PM. 

I will bring small pieces, pendants and wall art. Take a look at all available works.

Hope to see you there! 


Weekend at Silver Street Studios! by Graciela Socorro

Come and join us - Save the date!


Happy Thanksgiving Bindu Family!

I'm very grateful and lucky to be part of this event! Please come and join us this Holiday weekend at Silver Street Studios from 10 AM to 6 PM. I will be showing my Bindu pieces, wall art and clay sculptures. Take a look at all available pieces




Bindu at Sawyer this Saturday, November 18 in Houston, TX by Graciela Socorro

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Hi Bindu family!

I will bring the Bindu Terras in many colors, Bindu Tesoro, Bindu pendants, Wall Art and Sculptures. So if you are interested in how these pieces are in real life, this is your chance!

And guess what! I will be exhibiting next to my husband Carlos. He will be showing his fine art prints, check him out --->

See you on Saturday!



Outdoor Market in Houston. Save the date! by Graciela Socorro

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Hi guys!

I will be presenting my Bindu Art at the outdoor market Sawyer Flea in downtown Houston, TX. I will bring small pieces, clay sculptures, wall art and of course the pendants. 

Please join us this Saturday, 21 from 10 am to 5 pm ! 

Save the date!

Follow me
Facebook: @GracielaSocorroArt

Bindu Bumblebee Creative Process Video by Graciela Socorro

Hi guys! This is my first creative process video. It took some time but it was worth it. My husband Carlos helped me on the way. We did have a lot of fun! I think making videos will be my new hobby. 

Photography and Videography: Graciela Socorro.
Consulting and Video Editing: Carlos Ocando
Music: Flight of the Bumblebee by Nikolai Rimsky Korsakov. 

This sculpture was given by La Sociedad Amigos del Hospital de Especialidades Pediátricas Maracaibo, Venezuela to be auctioned soon. Every invited artist is given the same piece. This year's piece is this amazon dodecahedron. 

Stage 1

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 3

Design+Art Exhibit at Kirksey Architecture by Graciela Socorro

This week of June 19th to 23rd, I will be showcasing my photography work "Between Sun and Palms" along with thirteen local artists at Kirksey's private exhibition celebrating Design+Art month 2017, Houston, TX. 

About Between Sun And Palms
I've been working on this portfolio since 2011 and it is my very first time exhibiting it in Houston, TX. It consists of an image of a palm tree multiplied numerous time using Adobe Photoshop. No color is altered. 

These images are from different species of palms tress taken in Maracaibo, Venezuela during dry and rain season. I began taking images of palms trees because I really loved the minimalism, geometry and colors of these dynamics leaves. Playing with light and shadow, colors and lines, I decides to multiply an image creating an optical illusion that really captives the eye.

I will be presenting 10 giclée prints using  Hahnemühle German Etching and William Turner paper, 310 gsm, 11"x17".



Mariposas - Butterflies by Graciela Socorro

Un dia con mi cámara en mano estaba tomando fotos en el jardín de mi abuela.  Detrás hay un pozo de agua con mucha vegetación tropical alrededor la cual creaba un pasillo con una atmósfera sombría y escalofriante, por lo tanto me mantuve alrededor del mismo. Sin embargo, una hermosa y grande mariposa negra pasó por mi lado y voló hacia la parte de atrás del temible y tan evitado lado oscuro del pozo. La seguí pero me detuve justo en la entrada del pasillo creado por la abundante vegetación. Pensé en entrar pero tenía miedo de encontrarme con alguna culebra, alacranes o arañas lo cual era bastante probable. Pero mi deseo de tomarle fotos era tan grande que le pedí a Dios que me guiara en el camino y que alejara cualquier animalito que me pudiera hacer daño. Así que con los ojos bien abiertos y el paso fuerte penetré las hojas y flores de Bastón del Emperador sembrado por mi abuela. Al quinto paso vi un rayo de sol que atravesando el follaje alumbrando una hoja. Y ahí estaba, sobre una hoja aleteando sus alas como acomodándose, hasta dejarlas bien abiertas para darme la bienvenida. La luz del sol estaba en su mejor ángulo, perfecta para una foto. Mi pequeña musa se quedó quietecita y muy valiente, ella y yo, nos quedamos un rato en sesión de fotos. Le dí gracias a ella y a Dios por ese momento. Era algo que quería hacer y gracias a Dios todo salió bien. La experiencia fue magnifica e inolvidable. Por supuesto esto va más alla de una foto. Representa cada aspecto de mi vida en donde necesito recuperar mi poder y confiar mas en el proceso de la vida. 

Luego busqué el significado de Mariposa en internet. No salía de mi asombro! Esto fue lo que conseguí: "La Mariposa en el tótem animal simboliza la Transformación. La mariposa puede conceder claridad a tus procesos mentales, te puede ayudar a dar el siguiente paso en tu vida. Viene algún tipo de transformación, ya estás preparado para ella. Esta transformación puede ser en cualquier ámbito de tu vida, analiza el momento en el que te encuentras y vuélvete mariposa para emprender el vuelo. La mariposa da claridad a tus procesos mentales y del alma y te permite organizar aquellos proyectos que deseas emprender, especialmente en tu vida personal y profesional. ¿Estás preparado para cambiar, para transformarte?. Si te has sentido débil o fatigado y quieres saber dónde está la curación, observa los colores que te atraen. ¿Tu cuerpo vibra con el verde, con el naranja? El verde te indica que comas más verdura, el naranja alimentos como la naranja. Este pensamiento es la medicina de la Mariposa. (1)

La Mariposa representa la necesidad de cambio y de mayor libertad, y a la vez representa valentía: se requiere valentía para llevar a cabo los cambios necesarios en nuestro proceso de crecimiento.

Este tótem guía nos enseña a no tomar la vida tan en serio y nos advierte que el crecimiento y la transformación no tiene que ser traumático; puede ocurrir con suavidad, con dulzura, con alegría. El gran paso que nos indicará, vendrá reflejado por la situación que percibamos del estado en que vemos a la oruga de la mariposa, así, si lo que vemos es el huevo, indicará que estamos en el inicio del proyecto, si lo que se nos presenta es la larva dentro del capullo, nos estará indicando que necesitamos conectar con nuestro ser interior y si lo que percibimos es la apertura del capullo, nos indicará que debemos de compartir con los demás los conocimientos y experiencias obtenidas. Cada paso de la transformación de la mariposa nos servirá para conocer en qué etapa nos encontramos y por tanto, conocer cual va a ser la siguiente. " (2)

Hoy en día sigo tomando fotos a las mariposas, y cada vez que veo una me tomo un momento y tomo conciencia de mi presente y mis pensamientos que ayudan a entender mi crecimiento espiritual.

Así que te invito a estar en el presente cada segundo. Cada encuentro no es casualidad, es "causalidad". Tiene un propósito en tu proceso de vida y gracias a las herramientas de hoy tienes acceso a esa información. Si te encuentras una arañita, tiene un significado en tu vida. Cucarachas, saltamontes, grillos, hasta las temibles culebras tienen un significado maravillo siempre en pro a crecimiento personal! Medita su significado y aplícalo en tu vida. Sera mas fácil si te dejas fluir. :)

©2012 Graciela Socorro 


English -

One day I was taking photos in my grandmother's garden. At the end of the garden there is a well of water with a lot of tropical vegetation around which created chilling atmosphere, therefore I stayed around it. However, a beautiful and large black butterfly passed by and flew towards the back of the fearsome and so avoided dark side of the well. I followed her but I stopped right at the entrance of the corridor created by the abundant vegetation. I thought about going in, but I was afraid of meeting some snakes, scorpions or spiders which was quite likely. But my desire of taking pics was so great that I asked God for guidance along the way and to inspire away any little animal. So with my eyes wide open and a strong step I entered the leaves and flowers of Emperor's Staff sown by my grandmother. At the fifth step I saw a spotlighted leaf by the ray of light passing through the foliage. And there it was, on the leaf flapping its wings as if getting comfy, until it opened wide welcoming me. Sunlight was at its best angle, perfect for a photo. My little muse was still and very brave, she and I, we stayed for a while for a photo shoot. I thanked her, I guess she was female, and God for that moment. It was something I wanted to do and thanked God for everything went well. The experience was magnificent and unforgettable. Of course this goes beyond a photo. It represents every aspect of my life where I need to regain my power and rely more on the process of life.

Then I looked the meaning of Butterfly on the internet. I didn't get over my amazement! This is what I found: "The butterfly on the animal totem symbolizes Transformation. The butterfly can grant clarity to your mental processes, it can help you take the next step in your life. There is some kind of transformation, you are ready for it. This transformation can be in any area of our life, analyze the moment in which you find yourself and become a butterfly to undertake the flight. The butterfly gives clarity to your mental and soul processes and allows you to organize those projects you want to undertake, especially in your personal and professional life. You are ready for change, to transform. If you have felt weak or fatigued and you want to know where the healing is, observe the colors that attract you. Your body vibrates with the green, with the orange The green tells you to eat more vegetables, orange foods like orange. This thought is the medicine of the Butterfly.

The Butterfly represents the need for change and greater freedom, and at the same time represents courage: it takes courage to make the necessary changes in our growth process.

This totem pole teaches us not to take life so seriously and warns us that growth and transformation need not be traumatic; Can occur gently, gently, with joy. The great step that will indicate us, will be reflected by the situation that we perceive from the state in which we see the caterpillar of the butterfly, well, if what we see is the egg, it will indicate that we are in the beginning of the project, if what we are Presents is the larva inside the cocoon, it will indicate that we need to connect with our inner being and if what we perceive is the opening of the cocoon, it will indicate that we must share with others the knowledge and experiences obtained. Each step of the transformation of the butterfly will serve to know what stage we are in and therefore, to know what will be the next. " (2)

Today I continue to take pictures of butterflies, and every time I see one I take a moment and become aware of my present and my thoughts that help to understand my spiritual growth. So I invite you to be more aware in the present moment. Each encounter is not




29th Dia de los Muertos: Retablo Exhibition & Silent Auction by Graciela Socorro

I am pleased to announce my participation on Lawndale Art Center's 29th annual Dia de los Muertos Retablo Exhibit & Silent Auction. There will be exhibiting 150 Houston- area artists showing their one-of-a-kind retablos and Lawndale will be celebrating with music, festive drinks and light Mexican fare.  

For those who doesn't know about this show, Lawndale provides a 8"x10" tin to each participant artist. So be ready for my tin will be Bindufied! This auction will benefit Dia de los Muertos programming and Lawndale's 2016-2017 exhibition season. 

For more information please visit

Retablo Exhibition & Silent Auction
Thursday, October 27, 2016
7 to 10 PM

Tickets: $50 Non-members | $35 Members
Lawndale Members please call for discount code.


TEXAS BIGGEST 10 FOR ART by Graciela Socorro

I am honored and very happy to announce that my work Bindu Colony is among the winners at the first Texas Biggest 10 for the Art regional juried competition. Please join us for the opening reception! 

The jurors: Andrés Bardon, Founder/Editor/Director of The Pictorial Bardon Group, Arte Arteclásica Contemporánea and Museum Magazine; Patricia Covo Johnson, Art Critic and Curator; Ken General, Creative Director of Arts+Culture Magazine, Founder of Duende Art Project and Gallery Manager of BLUEorange Contemporary, Houston, TX.  
 More info

Opening Reception
July 23, 2016

5 - 7 pm
Katy Contemporary Art Museum

Collective Perceptions by Graciela Socorro

Please join us on Saturday, July 9, 2016 at Silver Street Studios. The artists open their studios to the public from 2-5 pm. We will be at studio 217!

Spend the afternoon wandering through this repurposed warehouse (Silver Street used to be a Budweiser warehouse!) and discover an extensive selection of painting, sculpture, photography, jewelry, mixed media and more!

Also it will be the opening reception for a new exhibition on the corridor gallery "Collective Perceptions" - Invite below. 

The event is free and we would love for you to bring some friends. No RSVP required. Free entry and parking. 

Collective Perceptions
Now on view at Silver Street Studios
On view: June 11- September 10

Opening Reception with the Artists: July 9, 5-6PM

A new exhibition of original art by the resident artists of Silver Street
Curated by notable Houston watercolorist, Gordon Phillipson

Presented by the artists of Silver Street Studios, the exhibition features new artworks in a variety of media. Notably, the featured artists hail from over fifteen distinct countries of origin and that diversity is reflected in the breadth and variation of the works on view.
Open to the public: Monday to Saturday 10- 6 pm

Silver Street, 2000 Edwards St, Houston, Texas 77007

More information:

Get directions:

                                              Graciela Socorro's work at the Collective Perceptions.

ipa ~ intl' photography awards ~ Family of Man 2016 by Graciela Socorro

Photography is one of my passions. I am always taking pictures. It is an eternal meditation. Last month I took a chance to enter a picture about my grandma and my cousins to the ipa's Family of Man juried competition and guess what? I received Honorable Mention! Take a look!


Entry Description:

My light in the shadow. You whisper to be still. I take a big breath and remember to trust like you told me. Woman, mother, angel on call. Sweet is your giving name. You have an innate spirit for love and giving. Your wisdom is passed through generations. Now is their turn. I see that. I feel that. I hear it. Everything's going to be alright. Thank you.

Studio 217 Ready for Summer Series 2016 by Graciela Socorro

Join us for a night full of Art, live music and fun! All studios will be open and ready to sell some original and one of-a-kind art pieces for you to begin or continue your fine art collection. 

If you want more info about the event, please contact me at

Studio 217
Silver Street Studios
2000 Edwards St. 
Houston, TX 77007